Metadata Harmonization and Analysis
Leader: Leo Lahti, University of Turku; Partners: UHEL/ARTS; Collaborators: UHEL/NLF, JYU
Digital metadata collections are valuable for cataloguing and information retrieval. They provide structured data that has a foreseen impact on developing methods, applications and tools, and they are increasingly recognized as a potential research object that allows large-scale statistical comparisons, albeit often only after substantial harmonization, enrichment, and curation. We currently have the National bibliography of Finland with metadata of Finnish printings, audiovisual material and web material from the fifteenth century to the current time available in or as linked open data at We need an open harmonization and analysis workflow for the Finnish national bibliography and will create algorithmic methods that are more widely usable for similar tasks on other metadata collections. We will deliver a harmonized version of the Finnish National Bibliography (FNB) and a release of FNB and harmonization code as open data, an implementation of a data analysis and visualization workflow for FNB, and R/Python modules for bibliographic data analysis.